halle logistics have worked well with 15 people and casually. next we are probably 20-25. which means we should organise cooking, washing up and shopping in a more direct way.
we have field beds for 15 people, so additional people have to improvise, maybe sleep on the sun beds taken from the basement. cooking, dishes, pots pans probably ok maybe we need some more. we have tools, sheets of all kinds, sponsored by the hotel laundry. we have coloured fabric ca 80 mtrs, cotton-canvas, and assorted fabric left-overs. more than 100 mtr lath and boards for wooden constructions. diverse paints and brushes. roll of paper 210cm wide.
johannes suggested to get tent canvas and flexible tentpoles, maybe with connectors emma and johannes suggest getting 2 sewing machines suggestion to ask students to bring 2 items of clothing to be shared and de-constructed with others
flo and stephan suggest to start building a sleep situation right from the beginning (previously people were sneaking in corners of the building) and making the big hall into a camping & living area
there would be several fields/topics. making spaces to sleep, to live, to show video, to make dress, to make things portable and bringing them to the mountains. performances, characters. this time focus more on making (it was theory previously)
phase 1 : checking in / hallen-camping
phase 2 : living in / performing it
phase 3 : bringing it to the mountains
plan to post this and more suggestions (to come) on wiki page in order to add ideas and start developing a rough scheduls for the days of workshop. have skype conversation with nils once he is back - ask about deeper meaning of "rubbing against architecture". have final conversation a few days before workshop starts.
to be organised :
- gummierte / zeltstoffe
- stangen biegsam und konnektors (3 komplette iglu zeltgestänge liegen bereit)
- nähmaschine 2x (1 pfaff nähmaschine steht geölt und bereit im konzertsaal)
- heisskleber 2x
- leintücher von wäscherei (sind für die 37. woche bestellt)
- papierrolle
- wellpappen 90x200cm (250 stück sind angekommen, liegen in der halle bereit)